The Trouble With The World Today Is

'The Lost Message' is a 
short story from a book 
of short stories called 
'House Across the 
Hedge' by Grace 
Livingston Hill. This 
statement is taken 
from a sermon given 
in that short story that 
answers the question, 
"What is the trouble with 
the world today?"

"The trouble with the world 
today is that it has lost its 
sense of sin, and of its awful 
need of a Saviour! Men 
today are unwilling to 
admit their sin because 
that would hurt their 
pride. It is a humbling 
thing to confess sin! 
Men are provoked 
when God discounts 
all their 
and calls them filthy 

Isaiah 64:6

But we are all as an 
unclean thing, and 
all our 
righteousnesses are 
as filthy rags; and 
we all do fade as a 
leaf; and our 
iniquities [sins], 
like the wind, have 
taken us away. 

Ouch! That hurts us 
where our pride is! 
Something to think 
about... It is our sinful 
human nature that 
causes us to want to 
do things 'our way', 
and ignore what God 
wants us to do. In 
fact, we do not want 
anyone telling us 
what to do (Ouch! That 
hurts to admit it, but I 
am that way more 
times than I can count). 
You and I think we 
know better than our 
loving heavenly Father 
does, even though he 
knows everything - the 
past, present, and 
future, and wants only 
what is best for us, 
his creations. 

3:16 For God so loved 
the world, that he gave 
his only begotten Son, 
that whosoever 
believeth in him should 
not perish, but have 
everlasting life. 

3:17 For God sent not 
his Son into the world 
to condemn the world; 
but that the world 
through him might 
be saved.