The Bible on Worshiping The Sun, Moon, Or Stars

God says that it is wickedness
in his sight to worship the sun,
the moon, or stars (the host
of heaven), all of which He
created. He wants us to
worship HIM alone. God
commanded that those who
committed this abomination
were to be stoned to death!
Yikes! That should tell us
how strongly God hates it
when people worship the
sun, moon, and stars! God
wants us to worship Him,
not the creations He made!

Bold in Scripture verses
is for emphasis.

Should We Worship Animals and Nature?

God told us in His Ten 
Commandments not to 
make gods or idols of 
anything that is in 
heaven, in the earth, or 
in the water under the 
earth (that includes 
animals and other 
creatures, fish, birds, 
nature (trees, etc.), the 
sun, moon or stars, 
or anything other than 
God in heaven Himself! 
Read all of these verses 
to see what God thinks 
of us doing that! 

What About Those Who Never Heard of God?

God’s Holy Preserved Word,
the King James Bible, says
that God made himself
visible to us in his creation,
and we can witness his
power in all that he has
created - the earth and the
heavens and all that is in
them so that we have no
excuse for not believing in
Him! This is an exciting

Who Is In Charge Of Your Life - You Or God?

A military commander can 
only be victorious in battle 
if he or she has contact 
with their troops in order 
to give them their 
marching orders. In 
the same way, if we 
Christians are not in 
contact with God 
through his marching 
orders (his Holy 
Bible, the KJB, 
and through 
prayers to him), 
then how are we 
supposed to know 
what we are to do 
next? God gave us 
his Word to guide 
us through our lives. 
And we need to 
know what God 
says in order to 
know how we 
should live to 
carry out his 
plan for our lives,
and to bring glory
to God the Father
in heaven!

Please keep 
reading for this
exciting Bible

What Do I Do Now That I Am Saved?

Before I get into the
subject of this post,
here is a link to a
very short, but
important little book
from Chick
Publications that will
help you learn how
to grow in your faith
in Jesus Christ and
how to live to glorify
God the Father in
(Just an FYI - I do
not get a commission
from Chick, but I have
read this handy
reference book
several times, and
think it is an awesome
learning tool for all
Christians to read!)

Now to the subject
of this post…

Jesus Christ Confirmed the Worldwide Flood!

Jesus Christ acknowledged 
that there was a worldwide 
flood that killed everyone 
except Noah and his family. 
How do I know Jesus was 
speaking of a worldwide 
floodBecause Jesus 
said that "it took them 
all away" (see Matthew 
24:39 below) and "it 
destroyed them all" 
(see Luke 17:27 below)!