Is God the Lord of your entertainment choices?

I watched an excellent 
Christian movie on TUBI 
TV called 'Power of the 
Air'. It was about the power 
of the media (the internet, 
radio, television, 
newspapers, and the 
movie theatres) and how 
much their ungodly, worldly 
messages influence our 
lives. What better way for 
Satan to distract people from 
godly Christian entertainment 
than to make us want to be 
'more like the world' and to 
like what the world likes. 
The Bible shows us that this 
is how we sinful human 
beings have turned from 
God and Jesus Christ 
towards sinful human 
entertainment. What do I 
mean by that?

Well, what does Satan 
want us to watch? - things 
that will soften our stand 
on Christian values and 
that will allow us to watch 
nudity on screen 
(someone's daughter, sister, 
wife, or other person's 
relative that is shown 
nude on screen - would 
you want your loved one 
naked on screen?), hear 
foul language (Philippians 
4:8 see below) and 
never cringe. 

Philippians 4:8 
Finally, brethren, 
whatsoever things are 
true, whatsoever 
things are honest, 
whatsoever things are 
just, whatsoever things 
are pure, whatsoever 
things are lovely, 
whatsoever things are 
of good report; if there 
be any virtue, and if 
there be any praise, 
think on these things. 

Or what about television 
and movies, internet or 
radio that use the name 
of Jesus Christ and God 
as swear words? When 
you (as a Christian) hear 
Jesus Christ's name or 
God's name used to damn 
things - using their precious 
names as swear words, 
what do you do? Do you 
continue watching and sluff 
it off thinking it is 
unimportant? This makes 
me want to cry.  What 
does God think about us so 
carelessly accepting people's 
use of His Name and the 
Name of Jesus Christ, the 
Saviour of the world, the 
Son of God, as swear words? 

Exodus 20:7 (This is 
the 3rd of God's 10 

Thou shalt not take the 
name of the LORD thy 
God in vain; for the 
LORD will not hold him 
guiltless that taketh his 
name in vain. 

When we use God's name
or the name of our Lord
Jesus Christ it should be
to pray to them or to be
discussing them with 
someone in a way that
honors and worships 
them. Does your 
entertainment do that?
And how will we answer
to Jesus when we meet
Him in person at the
Judgment Day as to
how we honored His
name and our heavenly
Father's name? Think
about it.