of these DVDs in our home
library, and have shared
them with others. They are
all good for family watching,
learning, enjoying, and for
witnessing about Jesus
Christ! Links below will
take you to the websites
that sell them and will
give you more details
made by Adullam Films,
and are an excellent
portrayal of the truth
about the history of God's
Holy Word, the King James
A Lamp in the Dark. The
A Lamp in the Dark. The
DVDs from Dr. Doug Stauffer
are newer to our library. Go
to this link to see his many
DVDs. We have watched
many of them, and they
are excellent. You can
hear him preach on
YouTube also.
Go to his website
to check out his books
(excellent) and his
Incidentally the rest of these
DVDs are in alphabetical
order for your convenience.
A Matter of Faith - A Christian
A Matter of Faith - A Christian
girl goes to college and is
influenced by her biology
professors' teachings about
evolution. Her father sees
the change this has made
in her, and ends up
debating this professor
to keep his daughter
from drifting from her faith.
America's Godly Heritage
America's Spiritual Crisis
Christian Music to un-stress
America's Godly Heritage
America's Spiritual Crisis
Christian Music to un-stress