God Knows Who We Truly Are!

God sees who we truly
are...on the inside...
in our hearts. But do
not worry because
there is GOOD NEWS
at the bottom of this
post. Please keep

1 Samuel 16:7(b)  
...for the LORD seeth
not as man seeth; for
man looketh on the
outward appearance,
but the LORD
looketh on the heart.

What Will Heaven Be Like?

Heaven, not earth, is the
real home for those who
know Jesus Christ as
their Saviour. We are just
pilgrims here on earth for a
very short time. At the
bottom of this post I tell
you how to get to heaven
in case you want to know.

Words in bold in Scripture
verses are for emphasis.

Hebrews 11:13  
These all died in faith, not
having received the
promises, but having seen them
afar off, and were persuaded
of them, and embraced them,
and confessed that they were
strangers and pilgrims on
the earth.

Who Killed Jesus Christ? We All Did!

I hope you will read all of 
this post in order to get 
the full picture of this
important Bible study. 

Will Jesus Christ Be Proud Or Ashamed Of Me?

Words in Bold in Bible
verses are for emphasis.

Are you a Christian who
has accepted Jesus Christ
as your personal Saviour,
but now figure you will
‘coast' into heaven,
without having to change
the lifestyle that you had
before you came to

You Can Not Save Yourself!

Why can't I save myself? 
Because God said so! 

64:6a But we are all as 
an unclean thing, and 
all our righteousnesses 
[baptism, good works, 
religious ceremonies, 
church traditions, 
tithe money, etc.] are 
as filthy rags...

But please do not get 
discouraged. There is 
good news coming 
later in this post.

Will Christians Go Through the Tribulation?

All Bible verses in this
study are taken from
God’s Holy Preserved
Word, the King
James Bible.

Words in Bold and
CAPS in Scriptures
are for emphasis.

Words of our Lord Jesus
Christ are in red.

Matthew 24:21
For then shall be great
tribulation, such as
was not since the
beginning of the
world to this time,
no, nor ever
shall be.

Keep reading for
there is good news
is coming...

Was Mary Magdalene A Prostitute?

I have heard preachers
say, and have read in
books, that Mary
Magdalene was a
prostitute. I am doing
this Bible study to see
if that is the truth or
not. I searched for
every reference to
'Mary' in the New
Testament in God's
Holy Word, the King
James Bible, in order to
find out everything I
can on this Mary.

People Fall At The Feet Of Jesus In Worship!

I noticed in my Bible 
studies that it seems 
that almost every time 
people met Jesus 
they fell down at 
his feet in worship. 
Now the Bible says 
that only God is to 
be worshiped. So 
then when people 
fell down at Jesus' 
feet, they were 
worshiping Jesus 
as God! 

Psalm 95:6 
O come, let us worship 
and bow down: let us 
kneel before the LORD 
our maker*. 

*And since we know 
that Jesus Christ is 
our maker (creator) 
according to the 
following Bible verses, 
then in the Psalm 
shown above King 
David is saying that 
we should worship 
and bow down to 
Jesus Christ, our 

1:14 In whom we 
have redemption 
through his [Jesus'] 
blood, even the 
forgiveness of sins: 

1:15 Who is the image 
of the invisible God
the firstborn of every 

1:16 For by him were 
all things created
that are in heaven, 
and that are in earth, 
visible and invisible, 
whether they be 
thrones, or 
dominions, or 
principalities, or 
powers: all 
things were 
created by him, 
and for him: