The Bible On Capital Punishment!

First of all, there is a big 
difference between killing 
and  murder. 

Murder is the crime of 
planning ahead to deliberately 
kill a person.

Killing is the taking of a 
life in self-defense, i.e., 
defending yourself or your 
loved ones from someone 
who is trying to harm you 
or them; or killing that is 
done during military service 
in the cause of freedom, or 
killing done to protect 
Americans or oppressed 
people around the world 
who have asked for our 
help. Killing can also 
include accidental killing. 

Jesus said we should not 


19:18 He saith unto him, 
Which? Jesus said, Thou 
shalt do no murder
Thou shalt not commit 
adultery, Thou shalt not 
steal, Thou shalt not bear 
false witness,

God gave us lawmakers 
and has commanded us 
to obey them and the 
laws they put in place.

1 Peter 

2:13 Submit yourselves to 
every ordinance of man 
for the Lord's sake: 
whether it be to the king, 
as supreme; 

2:14 Or unto governors, 
as unto them that are 
sent by him for the 
punishment of evildoers, 
and for the praise of 
them that do well.

In the Old Testament 
(especially Deuteronomy 
Chapter 19) God 
commanded the Israelites 
(the Jews) to immediately 
put to death those who 
had committed murder 
(deliberate pre-planned 
killing). God also 
created a system 
whereby they could tell 
if someone killed 
purposely or accidentally 
so innocent people 
weren't put to death.

God did not command that 
murderers be placed in a 
prison for life where the 
rest of the law-abiding 
citizens had to pay to 
feed them, house them, 
and buy them expensive 
exercise equipment (that 
we cannot afford for 
ourselves) in order that 
those criminals can get 
stronger physically in
order to attack us better 
when they get out of prison! 
Duh. Prisons also provide 
inmates with free college 
educations when the rest 
of us could not afford to 
go college. I also 
remember years ago 
when one prison went on 
strike because the inmates 
did not think they were 
being fed pork chops often 
enough! Excuse me, but 
my family could never 
afford pork chops; but our 
tax dollars went to pay for 
these criminals to have 
them more often! 
Outrageous! And these 
are the people who 
committed crimes against 
us who are paying for their 

No wonder God never told 
us in the Bible to create a 
prison system! God had 
specific ways to punish 
people who committed 
crimes - it is all listed in 
the Old Testament in 
detail! We should have 
listened to our All-Knowing 
God and and used his 
commands to create a 
system that deters 
people from committing 
crimes! We would not be 
paying our hard earned 
tax dollars to fund prisons. 
Prisoners would be 
punished immediately as 
God commanded in his 
Holy Bible. 


24:17 And he that killeth 
any man shall surely be 
put to death.


24:21b ...and he that 
killeth a man, he shall 
be put to death.


13:1 Let every soul be 
subject unto the higher 
powers. For there is no 
power but of God: the 
powers that be are 
ordained of God.

13:2 Whosoever 
therefore resisteth the 
power, resisteth the 
ordinance of God: and 
they that resist shall 
receive to themselves 

13:3 For rulers are not a 
terror to good works, but 
to the evil. Wilt thou then 
not be afraid of the power? 
do that which is good, 
and thou shalt have praise 
of the same:

13:4 For he is the minister 
of God to thee for good. 
But if thou do that which is 
evil, be afraid; for he 
beareth not the sword in 
vain: for he is the minister 
of God, a revenger to 
execute wrath upon him 
that doeth evil.