The Bible on Israel / Palestine

Why is it important that 
Christians know the 
truth about this land 
that was promised by 
God to Abraham, 
Isaac, and Jacob 
(the Jews) forever? 
Because the Jews 
are being unjustly 
accused of usurping 
land from the 

Here is a link to a 
website that has the 
true Biblical history of 
Palestine/Israel which 
you are not hearing 
from the biased media 
and the un-informed 
churches. Link Here.

Please keep reading
for more information 
on this exciting Bible

God does not take it lightly 
when Israel and the Jews 
are bashed in the news 
media, the churches, and 
by Christians who should 
know better. Take heed 
to God's warning in 
Genesis below. Will 
we obey God and bless 
Israel and the Jews, or 
will we bash them to go 
along with what is 
politically correct or 
popular? Personally, I 
want to please God 
and bless Israel and 
the Jews!

BOLD in Scripture
verses is for 


12:3 And I will bless them 
that bless thee, and 
curse him that curseth 
thee: and in thee shall 
all families of the earth 
be blessed.  

Just a bit of important 
Bible information first. I 
searched out these 
names in eSword in 
the King James Bible 
which was written 
hundreds of years before 
the new versions were 
ever created by sinful 
mankind who believed 
they knew better than 
God what HIS Word 
should say. 

The name 'Palestina' or 
'Palestine' is used in the 
Old Testament of the 
Bible a total of only 

The name 'Palestine' 
or 'Palestina' is not in 
the New Testament at 

The 'land of Israel' and 
the name 'Israel' (referring 
to the land) are used at 
least 19 times in the New 
Testament, some of those 
by our Lord Jesus Christ! 
Here are those Bible 
verse references...

Matthew 2:19-2:21, 8:10, 
9:33, 10:23; 

Luke 1:80, 2:34, 4:25, 
4:27, 7:9; 

John 3:10; 

Acts 2:22, 3:12, 4:10, 
4:27, 5:35, 13:16, 
13:24, 21:28.

The phrase 'land of 
Israel' is used in the 
Old Testament 29 

The name 'Israel' is 
used in the Old 
Testament a total of 
2228 times! Some of 
those refer to the land 
(I didn't go through 
and count them), and 
some refer to the 
Jewish people of Israel 
(Israel being the new 
name that God gave to 
Jacob, the grandson 
of Abraham).  

It is vitally important 
that Christians support 
the Jews and Israel, 
and stop spreading lies 
about them because 
God gave the Jews 
the land of Israel 
unconditionally and 
foreverAnd God 
cannot lie (Titus 1:2), 
so when He says 
something, He means 
it! There are many 
Bible verses in the 
Old Testament that 
show God gave Israel 
to the Jews forever! 
Here is just one 


17:7 And I will establish 
my covenant between 
me and thee and thy 
seed after thee in their 
generations for an 
everlasting covenant, to 
be a God unto thee, and 
to thy seed after thee. 

17:8 And I will give unto 
thee, and to thy seed 
after thee, the land 
wherein thou art a 
stranger, all the land 
of Canaan, for an 
possession; and 
I will be their God.

Below is a link to an 
excellent article that 
shares truths about 
this controversial 

Personally, I have been 
shocked at the 
deception being used 
to attack Israel and to 
ramp up antisemitism, 
even in our churches 
today. But, I shouldn't 
be surprised because 
Satan's time is running 
short; and he hates 
Israel vehemently 

1) the Jews are God's 
chosen people who 
brought us our Saviour, 
Jesus Christ, who was 
a Jew.

2) the Jews gave us 
our Bible. Jewish men 
wrote both the Old and
New Testaments of the

3) the Jews started the 
church made up of 
all Jewish people, and 
later on additionally 
by non-Jews who 
trusted Jesus Christ 
as their personal 

4) During the Great 
Tribulation that is 
coming in the Last Days 
(we're in the Last Days), 
God is going to open the 
hearts of the Jews to 
recognize Jesus Christ 
as their Messiah (Saviour). 
He will use 144,000 
Jews as witnesses to 
bring many people to 

It is important to God 
that Christians know the 
truth from His Word, 
and that we support 
Israel and the Jews.

Here is the link to 
another website that 
will give you "14 Facts 
Everyone Should Know 
About Israel". You will 
want to read these 
truths for yourself.