Words in bold in Scripture
verses are for emphasis.
Words of Jesus Christ are
in red.
When we Christians use curse
words (no matter how often
non-Christians use them and
they seem unimportant) we
are ruining our testimony as
a follower of Jesus Christ!
Why? Because the Bible
verses below teach us that
Christians should be
dignified and our speech
should be beyond reproach
so that non-Christians have
nothing bad to say about
us. Remember that we are
to be ambassadors for
Jesus Christ. Would Jesus
Christ use the curse words
we are use in His daily
2:7 in all things show
yourself to be an example
of good deeds, with purity
in doctrine, dignified,
2:8 sound in speech which
is beyond reproach, so
that the opponent will be
put to shame, having
nothing bad to say about