God In Heaven Forgives Our Sins And Forgets Them!

We Christians sometimes 
have a hard time 
forgiving and forgetting 
when someone wrongs 
us; but we can be 
thankful that God the 
Father in heaven isn't 
unforgiving as we are. 
This message is such 
a joyful message to my 
heart, and I hope it is 
to your heart as well! 
God bless you!
We can be thankful to 
God in heaven that he
is faithful and just to 
forgive us when we 
confess our sins and
are truly sorry for them
and want to turn away
from them, and then to 
ask His forgiveness. 

1 John 1:9

If we confess our sins
he is faithful and just to 
forgive us our sins, 
and to cleanse us 
from all 

The following verses 
tell us that God, 
unlike us, forgets our 
sins once He has 
forgiven them. 

Please note in this first 
verse that the east 
can never meet the 
west, and that is how 
far God has removed 
our sins from us after 
He forgives our 
confessed sins! Wow! 
How gracious and 
merciful he is to us 

Psalm 103:12
As far as the east is 
from the west, so far 
hath he removed our 
transgressions from 

Isaiah 43:25

I [the LORD God in 
heaven], even I, am 
he that blotteth out thy 
transgressions for mine 
own sake, and will not 
remember thy sins.

Micah 7:19 

He [the LORD our God] 
will turn again, he will 
have compassion 
upon us; he will 
subdue our iniquities; 
and thou wilt cast all 
their sins into the 
depths of the sea.

Hebrew 10:17

And their sins and 
iniquities will I [the 
Lord] remember 
no more.

Here is a freeing thought 
to remember when you 
start to dwell on past 
sins that you have 
already asked God 
forgiveness for... 

Each new day is 
clean and pure of 
sins, guilt, and shame. 

We cannot undo past
sins, but we can do our
best to make today a 
better day than yesterday,
and make our loving, 
heavenly Father proud of
us; instead of dwelling on
sins that He has promised
us he would forgive and 
forget! After we have 
confessed our sins to 
God the Father IN 
HEAVEN, He forgives
our sins and then He
forgets them. Thank 
Him for her mercy and
grace for forgiving us.

Satan would rather 
that you be burdened 
with the guilt and 
shame of past sins - 
that is false guilt, and 
a lie of Satan since 
God has already 
forgiven those sins 
you repented of! 

Do not let Satan have 
that power over you 
to steal your joy and 
your peace that 
comes through 
forgiveness from 

John 8:36 [Jesus said:]  
If the Son [of 
Jesus Christ] therefore 
shall make you free, 
ye shall be free indeed.

Trust God by what he 
promises in his Holy 
Word, the King James 
Bible, that He does 
forgive and forget our 
sins IF we truly are 
sorry for our sins and
ask God's help to not
commit that sin again.
You can trust God 
in heaven when he
says he forgives and
forgets our sins 
because the Bible 
tells us that God 
cannot lie (Titus 1:2). 

Have a wonderful, 
guilt-free day! That's 
what God intended 
for you all along!  :)

And, always remember 
to thank God the Father 
in heaven for forgiving 
and forgetting your 
daily sins which you 
have confessed to 
Him. We are so blessed 
to have such a loving, 
merciful, gracious God! 
Praise God Almighty for
loving us so much!