Hebrew-English New Covenant Prophecy Bible

This Bible is gorgeous, 
well made with a 
beautiful black cover 
and gold lettering on 
both the front and 
back covers with 
icons representing 
each of the 12 
tribes of Israel. It 
includes a section 
of Old Testament 
Bible Prophecies 
about the Jewish 
Messiah, and then 
the prophecies 
that were fulfilled 
in Yeshua (Jesus) 
in the New 
This makes a 
wonderful gift for 
any precious 
Jewish person you 

The ministry that 
publishes this special 
edition Prophecy 
Bible is the Hope of 

My husband and I 
support this ministry 
with much of our 
tithe money each 
month by donating 
these prophecy 
Bibles (which the 
ministry then 
gives free to 
the Jewish 
people they 
witness to about 
their Messiah, 
Yeshua Hamashiach/
Jesus Christ.)  

Link here to see more