Can Good Works Get Me Into Heaven?

Let's see what God's Holy
Word, the King James
Bible, has to say about
you doing good works
to earn your way into

Is The TV My god?

Author Unknown

The T.V. set is my shepherd.

My spiritual growth shall want.
It makes me to sit down and 
do nothing for His name's 
because it requires all my 
spare time.
It keeps me from doing my 
duty as a Christian,
because it presents so 
many good shows that I 
must see.
It restores my knowledge 
of the things of the world,
and keeps me from the 
study of God's Word.
It leads me in the paths 
of failing to attend
the evening worship services,
and doing nothing in the 
Kingdom of God.
Yea, though I live to be 
a hundred,
I shall keep on viewing 
my T.V. as long as it will work,
for it is my closest companion.
Its sound and its picture, they 
comfort me,
and keep me from doing 
important things with my 
It fills my head with ideas 
which differ from those 
set forth in the Word of God.
Surely, no good thing will 
come of my life,
because my T.V. offers me 
no good time
to do the will of God:
thus I will dwell in 
restlessness and 
depression forever!

Jesus Cares About Prostitutes And Adulterers

Jesus cares about prostitutes 
and adulterers; but he wants 
them to repent of their sins 
(be sorry enough for them 
and to turn away from them. 
In other words to stop 
committing that sin). 

God says we are all sinners.

We are all in the same boat.


13:3 I tell you, Nay: but, 
except ye repent, ye shall 
all likewise perish.

Good news at the bottom 
of this post tells you how 
to get saved from your 
sins and know that you 
are going to heaven when 
you die. There is such 
comfort and freedom 
knowing that you never 
again have to worry 
about what comes 
after death! 

Good People Don't Go To Heaven - Saved People Do!

Bold in scripture
verses is for

God is Sinless and
cannot be around sin.

Habbakuk 1:13 
Thou [God] art of
purer eyes than to
behold evil, and
canst not look on
iniquity [sin]:
wherefore lookest
thou upon them
that deal
and holdest thy
tongue when the
wicked devoureth
the man that is
more righteous
than he? 

Please keep reading for
there is good news
coming later on in this

If God Be For Us Who Can Be Against Us?

8:31 What shall we 
then say to these 
things? If God be 
for us, who can be 
against us? 

8:32 He that spared 
not his own Son 
[Jesus Christ], but 
delivered him up for 
us all, how shall he 
not with him also 
freely give us all 

8:33 Who shall 
lay any thing to 
the charge of 
God's elect? It is 
God that justifieth. 

8:34 Who is he that 
condemneth? It is 
Christ that died, yea 
rather, that is risen 
again, who is even 
at the right hand of 
God, who also 
for us. 

8:35 Who shall 
separate us from 
the love of Christ? 
shall tribulation, or 
distress, or 
persecution, or 
famine, or 
nakedness, or 
peril, or sword? 

8:36 As it is written, 
For thy sake we are 
killed all the day 
long; we are 
accounted as 
sheep for the 

8:37 Nay, in all 
these things we are 
more than 
conquerors through 
him that loved us. 

8:38 For I am 
persuaded, that 
neither death, nor 
life, nor angels, 
nor principalities, 
nor powers, nor 
things present, 
nor things to come, 

8:39 Nor height, 
nor depth, nor any 
other creature, shall 
be able to separate 
us from the love of 
God, which is in 
Christ Jesus our 

Is Hell Just Separation From God?

I have heard some preachers  
teach that hell is not a place 
of eternal torment in hellfire, 
but it is just being separated 
from God for all of eternity! 
Being separated from God for 
all of eternity would be 
"heaven" for those who reject 
God and His Gift of salvation! 
But is that what the God of 
heaven says about hell in 
His Holy Word, the King 
James Bible?

Please keep reading to 
find out for yourself 
because your ETERNAL

Free Bible Study Software For Windows

e-Sword is a Free 
Bible study software 
for Windows. The 
King James Bible 
comes with the 
free software.

Here is the link 
to that site:  

Incidentally, you 
can buy other bible 
versions at 
e-Sword so that 
you can compare 
the newer 
corrupted bible 
versions and 
compare them 
to God's Holy 
Preserved Word, 
the King James 

The Church Has Not Replaced Israel!

What does the God's Holy
Word, the King James Bible
have to say about that?

'Replacement Theology'
is the belief that the
Jewish people are no
longer God's chosen
people because in
Jesus Christ's day
many of the Jewish
religious leaders and
some of the people
rejected Him as their
Messiah and consented
to his death. This theology
also believes that the
'church' has replaced
Israel. But is that what the
Bible teaches? Let's find out.

First, let me say it was not
the Jewish people who
killed Jesus! We all killed
Jesus! He came to suffer,
die, and be raised again
for the sins of the world
and that includes YOUR
were not for OUR sins,
Jesus Christ would not
have chosen to die FOR
US and be raised from
the dead! So, please, let
us not not blame the
Jews for His death.

Now on to the subject
of this Bible study.

Is Your Bible The Word of God?

Below are links to posts 
on this blog specifically 
about Bible versions and 
some links to other 
resources related to 
this important subject. 

Will I Lose My Salvation If I Sin?

I hope that you will read all
of this Bible study to see
the complete picture of
this controversial subject.

I trust God's Preserved
Word, the King James
Bible. God's Word is
our Guidebook for
living a life that brings
glory to God. According
to the Holy Bible, we
are saved by faith in
Jesus Christ once
forever IF we have
trusted Him ALONE
(without your good
works/deeds, your
tithes, your religious
ceremonies, your
baptism, etc.) for
our salvation, and
that we do not need to
be re-saved every time
we sin. Listen to what
God has to say about
this subject...

Do Not Judge Christ Jesus By What Christians Do

First, I would like to say 
that many people today 
who call themselves
Christians are not true 
followers of Jesus Christ. 
used to be one of these 
so-called Christians 
because I just didn't know 
what it meant to put my 
complete trust in Jesus 
Christ alone without 
my 'good works' for my
salvation from my sins.
I was not an authentic
Christian. I was a Christian
in name only. And I am 
sure that more than once
I gave Jesus Christ a bad
name because of what I
had done or said to other
people. Please keep 
reading. This is a real
learning experience for
me, too. 

Christianity versus Other Religions

True Christianity is
different from every
other religion in the
world because God’s
Holy Preserved
Word, the King
James Bible,
teaches us that we
can not do anything
to save ourselves
from hell! Why?
We will find the
answers to that
question as we go
through this Bible

God Hates The Occult

God gave the land of Israel to 
the Jews forever. Then He 
told them when they came 
into the land that they were 
not to learn from the 
"abominations" that those 
nations did. Abominations 
are things that are hateful 
to God. 

Please continue reading 
for the rest of this 
informative Bible study.

Baptism Doesn't Save - Jesus' Blood Saves!

BOLD in scripture 
verses is for emphasis. 

Words in red are what
Jesus Christ said.

Hebrews 9:22  
And almost all things 
are by the law purged 
with blood; and 
without shedding of 
blood is no *remission 
[of sins].


Matthew 26:28 
(Jesus Christ said:)  
For this is my blood of 
the new testament, 
which is shed for 
many for the 
remission of sins.

Mark 14:24  
And he [Jesus Christ] 
said unto them, This is 
my blood of the new 
testament, which is 
shed for many.

Luke 22:20  
Likewise also the cup 
after supper, saying, 
This cup is the new 
testament in my
[Jesus Christ's] 
blood, which is 
shed for you.

was the 'will' God gave
us between Him and us
(mankind) that says that
the blood of Jesus Christ
would be shed to pay for
our sins in full! 

Baptism Can Not Save Me From My Sins!

What does God's Holy 
Word, the King James 
Bible, have to say about 
baptism saving me from
my sins? 

As Jesus Christ hung 
dying on the cross, one 
of the criminals who 
was hanging on a cross 
next to Him stated that 
Jesus was innocent and 
had done nothing to 
deserve death. But he 
admitted that he himself 
was guilty of this 
punishment. That 
means that this criminal 
believed Jesus to be 
innocent of any crime, 
and that this man 
repented of (was 
sorry for) his sins. 
But there is more to 
the story...

Posts about Jesus Jews and Israel!

Choose one of the 
links below to read 
my Bible study 
posts on these 


Satan hates 
next Bible study 
post and it keeps 
getting published 
in very tiny print  
no matter what 
size text I make 
it when I republish 
it. It must be 
important if Satan 
hates it that much! 
The post is called 
'Jesus, Saviour 
of Jews and Non 
Jews'. So please 
read it anyway 
and ruin his day!

Do You Know Better Than God What His Bible Should Say?

I wrote this post 
because many 
preachers, Bible 
teachers, prophecy 
teachers, and Bible 
students may feel 
that because they 
studied some Greek 
or Hebrew in college, 
they have the right to 
change God's Holy 
Preserved Words, 
the King James Bible. 
God gives us some
scary warnings about
changing His Word!
Please read further 
to find out why.