The Late Great Planet Earth - by Hal Lindsey

The world seems to be in 
chaos - wars, viruses and 
other diseases that were 
thought to be long gone 
have become active in 
third world countries, 
increased activity in 
natural disasters, 
lukewarm churches, 
the growth of pagan 
religions, rampant crime, 
intensely angry people, 
intense anxiety over the 
mess the world is in, 
hatred of anything or 
anyone that is good and 
trying to live a godly life, 
hatred of Jesus Christ 
the Saviour of the world, 
hatred of the King James 
Bible because it alone 
points out our sins 
strongly and without 
apology or concern 
for our 'feelings'.

The book 'The Late Great 
Planet Earth' by Hal 
Lindsey is a must have 
to understand what is 
happening now and 
what is going to happen 
in the foreseeable future 
in these end times. 
Bible Prophecies that 
were predicted by God 
in the Old Testament are 
coming true in our day, 
these "last days" of 
planet earth. 

Read what the website
says about this amazing 
book and you will see that
it is a must-have for 
anyone wanting to see
how prophecies from the
Old Testament are coming
true in front of our very
eyes leading to the soon
return of Jesus Christ to
this earth!