DVD - Evolution's Achilles Heels

Because young people 
have been taught in school 
that they were an accident 
of evolution because that 
theory is taught to them 
as fact; and because 
they have not been 
given the option to be 
taught any other 
viewpoint of how the 
world could have begun, 
i.e. Biblical creation; 
young people don't 
even know just what a 
unique and special 
person God created 
each one of them to 
be (see Bible 
verses below)! 
Consequently, they 
have no sense of just 
how valuable they 
are as an individual 
person to the God of 
heaven who created 
them! Otherwise, there 
would not be so many 
teen suicides.

Jeremiah (God said to 
1:5...Before I formed 
thee in the belly I knew 


29:11 For I know the 
thoughts that I think 
toward you, saith the 
LORD, thoughts of 
peace, and not of evil, 
to give you an 
expected end.  


139:17 How precious 
also are thy thoughts 
unto me, O God! how 
great is the sum of 

Young people are taught 
in school that evolution 
is a fact; but it is not! It is 
just a theory that has 
never been proven!! 
Want proof of that 
statement? Then get 
the DVD, 'Evolution's 
Achilles Heels', and 
find out the truth for 
yourself!  Here is a link 
where you can buy it. 
Link here. 

Also, here is a link to 
the Chick Tracts 
website where you 
can read a short cartoon 
called 'Big Daddy' to get 
a taste of the scientific 
truth about the theory 
of evolution that is not 
taught in schools. In 
this small tract you 
will see that the 
so-called proofs of 
evolution shown in 
textbooks have 
been proven to be 
fakes.  Link here.

And, if you want to see 
proof that the Bible is 
reliable, read my article, 
'How Do I Know the 
Bible is true?'