Does America Have A Godly Heritage?

A few years ago my 
husband and I watched 
a television program 
called 'America's Godly 
Heritage' with David 
Barton. This program 
showed us many historical 
proofs that America WAS 
founded on God and the 
Bible; and that we ARE 
(or were) a mostly 
Christian nation! We 
are all free to worship 
however we want 
(or not); but our 
nation was founded 
on Biblical 
principles and the 
ways of government 
found in the Old 
Testament! Once 
you see this program, 
you will know the truth from 
historical facts; not what 
the liberal media and 
political figures tell us. 

Please keep reading 
to get more information 
on this wonderful DVD.

And here is a link to to where 
you can buy the DVD. 
It's well worth watching 
every year to remind us 
of our Godly heritage; 
and it's good to share 
the DVD with others.  
Link Here.

Also here is a link to 
two DVD sets by David 
Barton (10 DVDs in all) 
called 'American Heritage' 
and 'Building on the 
American Heritage'. 
Link here.  

My husband and I have 
all of these DVD sets; 
and they are inspiring 
and very informative. 
It reminds us that we 
can be proud of our 
American Godly 

But, we also need to 
remember, and be 
forewarned by what 
God has said in His 
Word! If we don't obey 
Him, God will judge us! 
And God always means 
what He says!

2 Chronicles

7:14 If my people, which 
are called by my name, 
shall humble 
themselves, and pray, 
and seek my face, and 
turn from their wicked 
ways; then will I hear 
from heaven, and will 
forgive their sin, and 
will heal their land.

Right now, America is 
rampant with violent and 
senseless crime, incredibly 
lewd and suggestive 
television programs and 
increasing nudity in 
both TV shows, movies, 
and ads, increased 
blatant swearing in 
movies and TV shows, 
and taking the Lord's 
name in vain; the killing 
of babies as birth control; 
legalizing pornography;
taking prayer out of
schools; taking the 
Ten Commandments
out of schools; legalizing
same-sex marriages;
and that's just to name 
a few of America's sins
that we need to ask
God's forgiveness for. 


4:8 Finally, brethren, 
whatsoever things are 
true, whatsoever things 
are honest, whatsoever 
things are just, 
whatsoever things 
are pure, whatsoever 
things are lovely, 
whatsoever things are 
of good report; if there 
be any virtue, and if 
there be any praise, 
think on these things.

Did you know that 
statistics show that 
abortion is the number 
one killer of human 
beings, far above the 
number of people who 
die by murder and 

Also, many Americans 
have rejected the only 
Living God in heaven 
and His Sinless Son, 
Jesus Christ, our 
Saviour, who was 
tortured and died for 
their sins and rose 
from the grave to life 

John (Jesus Christ said:)
3:16 For God so loved 
the world, that he gave 
his only begotten Son, 
that whosoever 
believeth in him should 
not perish, but have 
everlasting life. 

3:17 For God sent not 
his Son into the world 
to condemn the world; 
but that the world 
through him might 
be saved. 

3:18 He that believeth 
on him is not condemned: 
but he that believeth not 
is condemned already, 
because he hath not 
believed in the name 
of the only begotten 
Son of God [Jesus Christ]

And, it's amazing to me 
that some people care 
more about saving 
animals and trees and 
plants than they do about 
saving human babies 
from being aborted once 
they are alive because 
the baby just happens 
to be an inconvenience 
to the mother! I love 
animals, but not more 
than babies! 

God said that the life is 
in the blood in the 
verse below. Trees 
and plants do not 
have blood so they 
are not alive according 
to God! Also God says 
in this verse that the 
blood makes an 
atonement for our soul. 
God has made human 
beings higher than 
the animals. We have 
a soul. Animals, trees,
and plants do not! 
They cannot choose 
to accept God's gift of 
salvation for their soul 
through faith in Jesus 
Christ's death and 
resurrection to pay 
for their sins, but we 
can and must if we 
want to get to heaven.  

Leviticus 17:11 
For the life of the flesh 
is in the blood: and 
I have given it to you 
upon the altar to make 
an atonement for your 
souls: for it is the 
blood that maketh 
an atonement for 
the soul.

Romans 1:25  
Who changed the 
truth of God into a 
lie, and worshipped 
and served the 
creature more than 
the Creator, who is 
blessed for ever. 

God will also judge 
America for turning her 
back on Israel (the Jews)! 
He says in his Word that 
he will curse those who 
curse Israel! As an 
example of God carrying 
out that promise, just look 
at the history of Great 
Britain, which is no longer 
called Great. At one time 
it was said that they had 
so much land that the 
sun never set on Great 
Britain! But they turned 
their back on Israel and 
the Jews; and they have 
lost most of the land that
 they possessed after 
doing that! So, beware, 
America, of turning our 
back on Israel!

12:3 And I will bless 
them that bless thee, 
and curse him that 
curseth thee: and in 
thee shall all families 
of the earth be blessed.

Also you might want 
to read my Bible study 
on 'Has the Church 
Replaced Israel?' 

When you watch these 
DVDs I mentioned, you 
will see that our original 
founders believed that 
if a nation turned away 
from God, then He would 
not continue to bless us! 
Please pray that America 
will repent of our sins and
turn back to God. 

God says in the following
Scripture verse that if we:

1. humble ourselves
2. pray
3. seek His face
4. turn from our wicked 


1. He will hear from heaven
2. He will forgive our sins
3. He will heal our land

2 Chronicles 7:14 
If my people, which 
are called by my name, 
shall humble themselves, 
and pray, and seek my 
face, and turn from their 
wicked ways; then will I 
hear from heaven, and 
will forgive their sin, 
and will heal their 