How Do I Know The Bible is True?

The book, The
Soul-Winner’s Handy
Guide by Yan T Wee,
has many pages of
proofs showing
that the Bible is both
scientifically and
prophetically true. Also
archeology testifies to
the truth of the
historical facts
that are in God's Holy
Word, the King James

This book is a great
resource for anyone who
has questions or doubts
about the trustworthiness
of the Bible. This book
will uplift your faith and
make you confident
that God kept his many
promises to preserve
His Holy Word forever
for all generations!

Also, please keep reading
for a second book by a
different author that
also proves that the 
Bible is trustworthy and
been proven to be true.
The Signature of God
(Conclusive Proof That
Every Teaching, Every
Command, Every
Promise in the Bible is
True) by Grant R. Jeffrey.